society not yet been reached by service of sophisticated health, besides, side effects
some of drug too big or only curing disease by symptomatic. In such condition and
situation, acupuncture represent any way out able to answer.
Target of giving brief information about things of relate to acupuncture to disease of
Research pertained type survey with descriptive study device, with objection of is
amount of patient of stroke which medicines in clinic of acupuncture Dharma Bakti, Bandung, in a period of activity 6
months (August 2002 - January 2003).
Result of survey showed that amount of patient which medicines in the clinic amount to
112 people, that is 72 man and 40 people of women according of age, at most patient
old age 51-60 years, that is 39 people (34,9%). The high form patient grouping 73 people
at 65,2%, expense of medication is Rp. 10.000,-- to 20.000,-- per once visit. Recovering
before acupuncture 29 people (35,2%) and after acupuncture 52 people (46,4%) before
acupuncture 18% after acupuncture 33,1%, and the result before acupuncture 46,8%
and after acupuncture 20,5%.
The conclusions of the survey was as acupuncture gives the satisfy affect to stroke
patient with the cheap expense.
Accurate Health Center merupakan pusat pengobatan akupunktur dan konsultasi psikologi di kota Medan dapat membantu anda melakukan konseling psikologi dan pengobatan akupunktur untuk menyembuhkan penyakit. Pengobatan Accurate Health Center tergolong lengkap dari segi pengobatan tradisional, seperti terapi akupunktur, terapi pijat pengobatan, terapi bekam, fisioterapi, refleksi terapi dan ramuan-ramuan obat tradisional yang cukup efektif. Alamiah dan tanpa efek samping.
Hubungi Accurate Health Center Medan untuk penanganan penyakit stroke.
Jl. Tilak No. 76 (Simpang Demak)
Telp. (061) 7322480
Website : http://www.accuratehealth.blogspot.com